
Yudhir Singh Malik going to join as CEO, Food Safety & SAI

The 1983 batch IAS officer, Yudhir Singh Malik is soon likely to join as Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety & Standard Authority of India Under the Dept of Health and…

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Extension of tenure to Vivek Aggarwal for additional charge as Director to FIU

IAS Vivek Aggarwal has been awarded an extension in the tenure of his additional charge…

Vivek Chandel & Rajeev Kumar to hold bigger roles in HP

HAS officers Rajeev Kumar and Vivek Chandel are now to hold bigger administrative roles in…

Haryana: Ashwni Kumar Gupta posted as CVO, HSVP

IAS Ashwni Kumar Gupta has been posted as CVO-HSVP, Panchkula in the state of Haryana.…

SP Dwivedi entrusted administrative role as PCMM (PHOD), NCR

IRSS officer SP Dwivedi has been re-designated as Principal Chief Materials Manager (PCMM), PHOD. Amidst…

Lasted Bureaucracy

Taranjit Sandhu is new High Commissioner to Srilanka

Taranjit Singh Sandhu, the new High Commissioner of India in Sri Lanka, presented his credentials to Sri Lankan President Maithripala…

Gayatri Mishra ​is new​ Joint Secretary in situ in DoPT

The Central Secretariat Service (CSS) officer, Gayatri Mishra has been appointed as Joint Secretary in situ in the Department of…

15 IPS officers retiring in this month

As many as 15 IPS officers of various batches and cadres are retiring in January 2017. The officers include: Kishan…

Dr. Sunita Chibba gets extension for the addl charge DG, NSDA

The 1982 batch IES officer, Dr. Sunita Chibba has been accorded with the extension of the addl charge of the…

Ms. T J Kavita appointed as PS to MoS, Smt. Anupriya Patel

The 2000 batch Indian Forest Service officer of Rajasthan cadre, Ms. T. J. Kavita has been appointed as Private Secretary(Director…

Dr. Rakesh Kumar is Head(SPSO) in UNDP

The 1992 batch IAS officer of UD cadre, Dr. Rakesh Kumar has got the cadre clearence to take up foreign…

75 officers appointed as Non-Officials Independent Director, CPSE’s

As many as 75 candidates have been appointed as Non-Officials Independent Directors on the Board of Central Public Sector Enterprises…

Four IAS officers transferred in Uttar Pradesh

As many as 4 IAS officers have been transferred in Uttar Pradesh on 24 January. The officers are: Ms. Aditi…