
Approval to extension in upgradation for Archana Aggrawal

IAS Archana Aggrawal has been given extension in upgradation of her post. As per the recent notification from the Secretariat of the Appointment Committee of the Cabinet, Archana Agrawal will…

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Extension of tenure to Vivek Aggarwal for additional charge as Director to FIU

IAS Vivek Aggarwal has been awarded an extension in the tenure of his additional charge…

Vivek Chandel & Rajeev Kumar to hold bigger roles in HP

HAS officers Rajeev Kumar and Vivek Chandel are now to hold bigger administrative roles in…

Haryana: Ashwni Kumar Gupta posted as CVO, HSVP

IAS Ashwni Kumar Gupta has been posted as CVO-HSVP, Panchkula in the state of Haryana.…

SP Dwivedi entrusted administrative role as PCMM (PHOD), NCR

IRSS officer SP Dwivedi has been re-designated as Principal Chief Materials Manager (PCMM), PHOD. Amidst…

Lasted Bureaucracy

Ministers meet UP IAS trainees

About 35 IAS officers of 2014-batch of Uttar Pradesh cadre as well as officers who are domicile of Uttar Pradesh,…

15 IPS officers transferred in Uttar Pradesh

As many as 15 IPS officers have been transferred by the Uttar Pradesh Govt. Accordingly, Smt. Padmaja Chauhan; Santosh Kumar Singh;…

UP Government is ready to promote 11 IPS officers

In a recent development in UP bureaucracy, government is ready to promote few of its IPS officers. A DPC has…

S. Panda as acting CEO of Prasar Bharti

Suresh Panda would be the acting Chief Executive Officer of Prasar Bharti after the present CEO Jawhar Sircar leaves the…

NSG IG Sarangi is new IG, BSF

U C Sarangi, IPS (1988), has been appointed as Inspector General in the Border Security Force. At present Sarangi is…

DS Chauhan, IPS, appointed IG, CRPF

D. S. Chauhan, IPS (UP:88), has been posted as Inspector General in the Central Reserve of Police Force.

Abhishek Trivedi, is now IG, NSG

Abhishek Trivedi, IPS (HP:96), has been appointed as Inspector General in the National Security Guard

IPS Anand Jain is now DIG, NIA

Anand Jain, IPS (JK:97), has been appointed as Deputy Inspector General(DIG) in National Investigation Agency (NIA), Ministry of Home Affairs.…