
Shyam Dhar Dubey is also Chairperson, CEA

Shyam Dhar Dubey, Member (Power System) CEA has assigned an additional charge of Chairperson, Central Electricity Authority (CEA) till a regular incumbent is appointed to this post.

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Two IPS officer designated as Collector & DM in Bihar

Two IPS officers have been appointed as Collector and DM in the state of Bihar.…

Extension of tenure to Vivek Aggarwal for additional charge as Director to FIU

IAS Vivek Aggarwal has been awarded an extension in the tenure of his additional charge…

Pooja Garbiyal elevated to the grade of DCIT

Indian Revenue Service officer Pooja Garbiyal has been elevated to the grade of Diploma in…

Dr G Lakshmisha appointed as CEO, Dr YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust in AP

IAS officer Dr G Lakshmisha has been appointed as CEO of Dr YSR Aarogyasri Health…

Lasted Bureaucracy

A B Shukla inducted as Whole Time Member, NMA

The 1996 batch IAS officer of UT cadre, A. B. Shukla has been appointed as Whole Time Member in National…

Satish Kumar inducted as Whole Time Member, NMA

Satish Kumar, Architect Planner, has been appointed as Whole Time Member in National Monuments Authority (NMA) under the Ministry of…

Uma Kant Sadhav inducted as Whole Time Member, NMA

Uma Kant Sadhav, former Additional Director, Urban Administration & Development in MP Government, has been appointed as Whole Time Member…

A Jayathilak continues as Chairman, Rubber Board

The 1991 batch IAS officer of Kerala cadre, A. Jayathilak, Chairman, Spices Board, will continue holding an additional charge of…

Manoj Dwivedi gets addl charge as Chairman, Tobacco Board(Guntur)

The 1997 batch IAS officer of Jammu & Kashmir cadre, Manoj Dwivedi, Joint Secretary has been accorded with the addl…

Air Marshal P. Aneja appointed as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Nagpur

Air Marshal P. Aneja, Air Officer-in-charge systems, Air Headquarters has been appointed as Air Officer Commanding in chief, Headquarters Maintenance…

Ms. Leena Nair will continue the addl charge as Chairman, Coffee Board(Bengaluru)

The 1982 batch IAS officer of Tamil Nadu cadre, Ms. Leena Nair, Chairperson, Marin product Export Development Authority (MPEDA) has…

Anand Bardhan is new Secretary to Uttarakhand Governor

The 1992 batch IAS officer, Anand Bardhan has been appointed as new Secretary to the Uttarakhand Governor.