
T V Thomas appointed as Director(CP&P), MDL

Cmde T. V. Thomas(Retd), presently Executive Director, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd(MDL), Mumbai has been appointed to the post of Director(Corporate Planning & Personnel), MDL.

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Extension of tenure to Vivek Aggarwal for additional charge as Director to FIU

IAS Vivek Aggarwal has been awarded an extension in the tenure of his additional charge…

Vivek Chandel & Rajeev Kumar to hold bigger roles in HP

HAS officers Rajeev Kumar and Vivek Chandel are now to hold bigger administrative roles in…

Promotion to Ravi Joseph Lokku as ADG, BPR&D

IPS Ravi Joseph Lokku has been promoted as Additional Director General, BPR&D. In a recent…

Extension in the Central deputation tenure to Mahendra Kumar

Extension in the Central deputation tenure has been approved to IRSEE officer Mahendra Kumar. Following…

Lasted Bureaucracy

Kuldip Prasad appointed as Director (Tech), SECL

Kuldip Prasad,General Manager (Min.),South Eastern Coalfields Limited has been appointed as director (Technical),South Eastern Coalfields Limited.

Atul N.Patne moved to his Parent Cadre

1999 batch IAS officer of MH Cadre ,Atul N. Patne,Director in a department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare has…

Dr. Anand Kumar appointed as Special Director in Intelligence Bureau

The 1981 batch IPS officer of MP Cadre ,Dr. Anand Kumar has been promoted as Special Director in Intelligence Bureau…

Anil Kumar Agarwal appointed as Secretary, NCST

The 1981 batch IAS Officer of WB Cadre, Anil Kumar Agarwal,Secretary Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has been appointed as…

Parameswaran Iyer appointed as Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation

The 1981 batch IAS officer of UP cadre, Parameswaran Iyer has been appointed as secretary in the Ministry of Drinking…

R Subhash Reddy appointed as new Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court

Andhra Pradesh High Court’s senior-most justice R Subhash Reddy has been appointed as the chief justice of Gujarat, while transferring…

Atulesh Jindal to take over as new CBDT chairman today

Atulesh Jindal will take charge as the new chairman of the CBDT on today.He will succeed incumbent AK Jain who…

Vinod K. Thakral gets addl charge as Member(Fin), Atomic energy

The 1982 batch IAS officer of AM cadre, Vinod Kumar Thakral,has been accorded with the additional charge of the post…