
10 IPS officers of Delhi Police relieved

LG has has relieved 10 AGMUT cadre IPS officers from Delhi Police. They are Muktesh Chandra, Goa, S K Gautam, Puducherry, S N Mossobi, Arunachal Pradesh, Prem Nath, Mizoram, M…

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Extension of tenure to Vivek Aggarwal for additional charge as Director to FIU

IAS Vivek Aggarwal has been awarded an extension in the tenure of his additional charge…

Vivek Chandel & Rajeev Kumar to hold bigger roles in HP

HAS officers Rajeev Kumar and Vivek Chandel are now to hold bigger administrative roles in…

Haryana: Ashwni Kumar Gupta posted as CVO, HSVP

IAS Ashwni Kumar Gupta has been posted as CVO-HSVP, Panchkula in the state of Haryana.…

SP Dwivedi entrusted administrative role as PCMM (PHOD), NCR

IRSS officer SP Dwivedi has been re-designated as Principal Chief Materials Manager (PCMM), PHOD. Amidst…

Lasted Bureaucracy

An IAS Officer Slaying Cancer in Style

This is truly an isnspiration. Walking the Ramp for Cancer, IAS officer Urvashi Prasad has showcased grace under fire. NITI…

Sujata Sharma appointed as Government Nominee Director to Indian Oil Board

Petroleum Ministry has appointed IAS Sujata Sharma as Government Nominee Director to Indian Oil Board. As per a directive issued…

Ex-IAS including former-OSD to CM, Join BJP in Haryana

Haryana has it all. Former IAS officers, including Ex-OSD to Chief Minister, join BJP in  the state. Retired IAS Dharambir…

Selection of Rajesh Gupta as Secretary, Law in Rajasthan

Rajesh Gupta has been designated as Secretary, Law in the state of Rajasthan. As per a notification issued lately by…

Ajay Kumar designated as IG, NCRS HQ, CISF

Ajay Kumar has been appointed as Inspector General of Police in the NCRS HQ, CISF. In accordance with a directive…

Appointment of Jyoti Sinha as IG, DAE &DOS HQ, CISF

IPS officer Jyoti Sinha has been designated as IG, DAE &DOS HQ, Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). A recent notification…

Posting of KC Samantaray as Admin FHQ, CISF

IPS officer KC Samantaray has been designated as Admin FHQ, CISF. Following a directive issued by the Appointment Committee of…

Vice Admiral Sanjay Bhalla: New Personnel Chief, Indian Navy

Vice Admiral Sanjay Bhalla has taken over as Personnel Chief of Indian Navel Forces. Through a recent notification issued lately,…